Guangzhou Teli Leather Factory is a large sized leather manufacture enterprise which integrates development, production and sale together. We specialize in designing, manufacturing and exporting all kinds of lady's fashion handbags. Our factory is located in the "Leather Capital" - Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou.
Our brand is "Teli", covering a series of ladies' handbags. Our products are famous for the unique conception of qualified life in the area of ladies' handbags, combining leisure and fashionable designs. We sell bags, handbags, lady's handbags, fashion handbags, shoulder handbags, tote handbags, fabric handbags, designer handbags, hobo handbags, shopping handbags, backpacks, PU handbags, denim fashion handbags, topmost handbags, latest handbags, casual handbags, lady's fashion handbags, trendy fashion handbags, trendy designer handbags, diaper handbags, and other handbags. Our products are sold at home and abroad and have gained lots of favors and a high reputation from clients and users.
Our factory was founded in 1998, and covers an area of 13 acres, with a building area of 12,000 square meters. There are more than 500 employees, including 20 people engaged in R&D in our company. We have strong design and production capacity. Our annual output is more than 600,000 pieces.
Our principle is "Quality First, Credit First and Clients First". We always commit ourselves to creating better products and services to requite clients and seek more business opportunities!
In recent years, our products have been sold to Europe, Asia, South America, the Middle East and other countries and regions, and have earned a good image among foreign customers. We sincerely welcome you to visit our factory to talk about further cooperation. We welcome friends to examine business and guide our work for long-term cooperation.
Please feel free to contract us for detailed information!
Our brand is "Teli", covering a series of ladies' handbags. Our products are famous for the unique conception of qualified life in the area of ladies' handbags, combining leisure and fashionable designs. We sell bags, handbags, lady's handbags, fashion handbags, shoulder handbags, tote handbags, fabric handbags, designer handbags, hobo handbags, shopping handbags, backpacks, PU handbags, denim fashion handbags, topmost handbags, latest handbags, casual handbags, lady's fashion handbags, trendy fashion handbags, trendy designer handbags, diaper handbags, and other handbags. Our products are sold at home and abroad and have gained lots of favors and a high reputation from clients and users.
Our factory was founded in 1998, and covers an area of 13 acres, with a building area of 12,000 square meters. There are more than 500 employees, including 20 people engaged in R&D in our company. We have strong design and production capacity. Our annual output is more than 600,000 pieces.
Our principle is "Quality First, Credit First and Clients First". We always commit ourselves to creating better products and services to requite clients and seek more business opportunities!
In recent years, our products have been sold to Europe, Asia, South America, the Middle East and other countries and regions, and have earned a good image among foreign customers. We sincerely welcome you to visit our factory to talk about further cooperation. We welcome friends to examine business and guide our work for long-term cooperation.
Please feel free to contract us for detailed information!
Company Name | Guangzhou Teli Leather Factory |
Business Type | Manufacturer, Trading Company, Business Service (Transportation, finance, travel, Ads, etc) |
Main Products | Bag, handbag, fashion bag, lady bag, shoulder bag, tote bag, lady handbag, fabric bag, hobo bag, shopping bag, backpack, pu handbag, denim fashion handbag, latest handbag, topmost handbag, casual bag, lady fashion handbag, trendy fashion handbag, diaper bag, best selling lady handbag |
Total No. Employees | 101 - 500 People |
Legal Owner | Mr. Guoman Chen |
Registered Address | Zebin Road,South of Jinshi Rd., Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China (Mainland) |
Year Established | 2004 |
Legal Form | Private Personal-fund Enterprise |
Registration No. | 4401212101042 |
Factory Location | Zebin Road, Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China |
Factory Size | 10,000-30,000 square meters |
Contract Manufacturing | OEM Service Offered Design Service Offered Buyer Label Offered |
Total Annual Sales Volume | US$5 Million - US$10 Million |
Export Percentage | 41% - 50% |
City | Guangzhou |
Province/State | Guangdong |
Country/Region | China (Mainland) |
Contact Person | Ms. Jing Chen |
Telephone | 8*************2 View all, please login |
Mobile | 8************3 View all, please login |
Fax | 86-020-22672990 |
Street Address | Zeben road,Shiling town,Huadu district,Guangzhou,Guangdong,China |
Zip Code | 510800 |
sell123 URL | |
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By Business Type
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- In China (Mainland)
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