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Home > France (3230) > vaucluse > APT
For over 30 years, DELTA PLUS has been designing, standardizing, manufacturing and distributing Personal Protective Equipment.

Its global offer protects workers from head to toe, with the brands Panoply and Venitex that combine quality, comfort, technology, ergonomics and design.

In order to offer the best range for its customers in terms of quality and cost, DELTA PLUS manufactures in its own factories and controls the whole value chain of its products.

Its strong international presence, 20 distribution subsidiaries, enable DELTA PLUS to remain close to its customers throughout the world.
Company NameDELTA PLUS
Business TypeManufacturer
Main ProductsPersonal Protective Equipments, Safety helmets, Ear defenders, Respiratory, Spectacles and goggles, Gloves, Disposable workwear, High visibility clothing, Rain clothing, Protective clothing, Workwear, Flame retardant overalls, Safety shoes, Safety boots, Fall protection  
Total No. EmployeesAbove 1000 People
Year Established1977
Company Website
Contact PersonMr. Christophe Crucciani
Telephone3***********4  View all, please login
Zip Code84405
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