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Chemical Technologies, Russia

Home > Russian Federation (4368) > Russia (394) > Moscow (547)
Our company is a high performance additive distributor of such manufacturers as Great Lakes Chemical Corp. Ferro Corporation, S. L. Performance Additives Sdn. Bhd. And others. We supply to the largest Russian enterprises - manufacturers of plastics, tires, industrial rubber goods, paints, varnishes and lacquers.
Company NameChemical Technologies, Russia
Business TypeDistributor/Wholesaler
Main ProductsPigments, resins, additives  
Total No. Employees11 - 50 People
Total Annual Sales VolumeBelow US$1 Million
Country/RegionRussian Federation
Contact PersonMr. Jury Bobrov
Telephone7*************5  View all, please login
Street AddressMyasnitskaya
sell123 URL

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