Belldandy online company work with governmentauctions who want tot buy a cheap house land and boat any auto other stuf.
They shows our registered users a vast multitude of sources where they can profit, or otherwise get great deals at Government & Police Auctions. These include Federal, State and Local auctions of every type of Surplus, Seized, and Abandoned property you could imagine. And the Federal, State, and Local Governments and Police in the U. S. And Canada are generally willing to sell it all for whatever they can get. By becoming a purchaser at these auctions, you can save money when you buy the house, car, or boat of your dreams, or a multitude of other items suited to your personal or business.
They shows our registered users a vast multitude of sources where they can profit, or otherwise get great deals at Government & Police Auctions. These include Federal, State and Local auctions of every type of Surplus, Seized, and Abandoned property you could imagine. And the Federal, State, and Local Governments and Police in the U. S. And Canada are generally willing to sell it all for whatever they can get. By becoming a purchaser at these auctions, you can save money when you buy the house, car, or boat of your dreams, or a multitude of other items suited to your personal or business.
Company Name | Belldandy |
Business Type | Distributor/Wholesaler |
Main Products | Jewelry, house, boat and land |
Total No. Employees | 5 - 10 People |
City | Oakland |
Province/State | California |
Country/Region | United States |
Contact Person | Mr. Tommy Luu |
Telephone | 0**************2 View all, please login |
Fax | 001-510-465-6922 |
Street Address | 684 18th Street |
sell123 URL | |
Suppliers By Region
- In California
- los Ange...(1565)
- Los Ange...(1564)
- San Diego(538)
- San Jose(524)
- San Fran...(430)
- Brisbane(390)
- Irvine(293)
- FREMONT(258)
- CA(238)
- City Of ...(183)
- Long Beach(175)
- Sacramento(170)
- Torrance(168)
- Beverly ...(154)
- Anaheim(129)
- Oakland(126)
- santa cl...(118)
- Corona(107)
- Riverside(105)
- Orange(100)
- Sunnyvale(100)
- Walnut(100)
- Alhambra(93)
- chino(86)
- Newport ...(86)
- chatsworth(84)
- Arcadia(81)
- Costa Mesa(81)
- Van Nuys(80)
- Gardena(77)
- Fullerton(73)
- Milpitas(72)
- El Monte(69)
- In United States
- California(14022)
- Florida(7923)
- New York(6483)
- Texas(5295)
- New Jersey(3045)
- Illinois(2720)
- Georgia(2497)
- Pennsylv...(1826)
- Ohio(1685)
- Michigan(1627)
- Washington(1442)
- North Ca...(1440)
- Virginia(1313)
- Arizona(1278)
- Massachu...(1264)
- Maryland(1231)
- Nevada(936)
- Colorado(846)
- Indiana(818)
- Missouri(779)
- Minnesota(737)
- Tennessee(728)
- Oregon(708)
- Alabama(688)
- Connecti...(677)
- Wisconsin(652)
- South Ca...(651)
- Utah(524)
- Louisiana(484)
- Oklahoma(416)
- Kentucky(409)
- Kansas(345)
- Arkansas(339)
- Hawaii(298)
By Business Type
- In Oakland
- Trading Company(37)
- Wholesaler(51)
- In California
- Manufacturer(4598)
- Trading Company(3625)
- Wholesaler(6400)
- Agent(1327)
- Buyer(803)
- In United States
- Manufacturer(19783)
- Trading Company(17220)
- Wholesaler(31825)
- Agent(7715)
- Buyer(4045)
Related Suppliers By Main Products
Jewelry (3754) | United States (656) | Topper LiquidatorsBella Vista Handyman, CoANGEL MARKETING FIRM |
California (94) | MKM Jewelry, Inc.CAPRICORN ENTERPRISESBuddha's Store - GMA LLC |