Reducing our environmental impact and carbon footprint are worthy goals which can make a difference in limiting global warming and climate change.Lighting consumes a significant fraction of energy production with its attendant Co2 emissions.By installing energy efficient lighting systems, you can not only reduce energy costs and expenditures, but also reduce environmental impact through reduced Co2 emissions from electricity generation, reduced waste and improved recycling.When comparing various lighting technologies used in industrial, manufacturing and retail applications, it becomes clear that the Forever Green-Lamp (induction lamp) based lighting fixtures offer the best environmental characteristics when compared to the most commonly used lighting technologies.When compared to the two most commonly used lighting technologies in commercial and industrial applications (Metal Halide and High Pressure Sodium lamps), The Forever Green-Lamp offers the following benefits:-Significant reduction of electrical energy consumption;- More light output when corrected for Visually Effective Lumen s/PupilLumen s;- Significant reduction in Co2 emissions from electrical power generation due to reduced energy consumption;- Secondary energy consumption reduction through reduced thermal loads thereby saving HVAC costs and energy and the ability to use on-demand technologies such as occupancy sensors due to the instant on feature of induction lamps;- Extended lifespan which reduces the materials needed for replacement lamps compared to MH, HPS and SOX lighting technology;- Low mercury consumption over the induction lamp lifespan compared to competing lighting technologies;- Induction lamps use a solid mercury amalgam which produces significantly less environmental contamination than other technologies, if accidentally broken. The solid mercury amalgam is also easy to recover and recycle at end of lamp life; and- End of life de-construction for recycling and materials recovery requires less energy.The Forever Green -Lamp represents not only a breakthrough in energy efficient lighting, but also a sound environmental choice, when all aspects of the lamp technology are considered.