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Big Bet Stocks. LLC

Home > United States (70327) > Rhode Island (218) > N. Kingstown
The more than eighty firms in our database, almost equally divided between investment management firms and hedge funds, manage over eight trillion dollars of client assets.
When institutional and hedge fund managers discover compelling information that they believe will drive the price of a stock higher, they do what any savvy investor would do. They make a significant purchase of that stock.
In the parlance of Wall Street, they make Big Bets.
Whenever one of the firms in our database increases an existing stock holding by an incremental investment of at least one hundred million dollars that stock is added to our Increased Big Bets list. Or, if they initiate a new stock holding with an investment of at least one hundred million dollars that stock is added to our New Big Bets list.
We do not believe that these Big Bets are whimsical. We seldom know what the compelling information is that supported these investment decisions. However, most investors will invariably ask themselves why when they observe a five hundred million dollar or even a billion dollar investment that has been made by one of these consummate institutional investors.
Company NameBig Bet Stocks. LLC
Business TypeBusiness Service (Transportation, finance, travel, Ads, etc)
Main ProductsInvestment Information
CityN. Kingstown
Province/StateRhode Island
Country/RegionUnited States
Contact PersonMr. Paul Christiansen
Telephone1************2  View all, please login
Street Address215 Phillips Street
Zip Code02852
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