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Home > United States (70328) > Florida (7923) > Pompano Beach (107)
My company can supply you with good quality towels and other household cloth needs like sheets and robes and rags. Please don't hesitate to contact me for all your needs in that areas. I can shipp all over the world and have wholkesale prices. The min. Order has to be a least 1 dozen of each item you order.
Company NameCrazyPawnsEnterprise
Business TypeAgent
Main ProductsTowels, robes, rags
Total No. EmployeesFewer than 5 People
Legal OwnerMatthew Smith
Year Established2006
Total Annual Sales VolumeBelow US$1 Million
CityPompano Beach
Country/RegionUnited States
Contact PersonMr. Matthew Smith
Telephone1************9  View all, please login
Mobile1*********9  View all, please login
Street Address1100 Ne 25th Ave Apt 2
Zip Code33062
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