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Endronic Corporation

Home > United States (70328) > Washington (1442) > Seattle (260)
Endronic corporation is located in Seattle, Washington U. S. A.
When you place an order through us, it's then processed by our oversea's office where the inventory are located, small goods are shipped by air directly to your door steps, which typically takes three to four days; bulk goods will be shipped to the nearest port by ocean freight, which typically takes one to two weeks.
We also take custom manufacturing orders, and depending on the goods been produced, factory lead time may vary.
We can take care your quality control and product delivery logistics.
If interested to use our services, you are very welcome to submit your requests.
Company NameEndronic Corporation
Main ProductsReal estate, travel, international trade
Total No. Employees5 - 10 People
Legal OwnerYuan Wen
Year Established1999
Total Annual Sales VolumeUS$10 Million - US$50 Million
Country/RegionUnited States
Company Website
Contact PersonMr. Yuan Wen
Telephone1****************2  View all, please login
Mobile2**********7  View all, please login
Street Address10402 38th Ave Ne
Zip Code98125
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