We are the handbag company who has been in the top end handbag business for more than 11 years. We have our own factory to do design, prototyping, and production to achieve best quality and craftsmanship.With our talented craftsmen, designers, we have made high end bags for customers all over the world. Having made thousands of handbags for top brand designers, we understand customers want to be unique, be creative and even design their own bags. That is why we are here to provide you the service--- hand making handbags one after one to satisfy our customers. We know nobody can succeed by working alone. Team work and partnership with our suppliers, designers, and customers is the key for us to grow our business. Our goal is to build one family with all our customers, distributors to carry out more designs, improve our quality, and share the profit and passion with beautiful handbags
Company Name | BAG CHOICE INC |
Business Type | Manufacturer, Distributor/Wholesaler |
Main Products | Hand bags, wallets, briefcases, pouches, ladies fashion habd bags |
Total No. Employees | 101 - 200 People |
Year Established | 1998 |
City | sanfrancisco |
Province/State | California |
Country/Region | United States |
Company Website | http://www.bagchoice.com/waheed11368 |
Contact Person | Mr. waheed zaman |
Gender | Mr. |
Job Title | owner |
Telephone | 1***********5 View all, please login |
Mobile | 2********5 View all, please login |
Fax | 1-999-9999999 |
Street Address | 101 hyde street |
Zip Code | 94142 |
sell123 URL | http://www.sell123.org/company/United-States/748929.htm |
Suppliers By Region
- In California
- los Ange...(1565)
- Los Ange...(1564)
- San Diego(538)
- San Jose(524)
- San Fran...(430)
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- Irvine(293)
- FREMONT(258)
- CA(238)
- City Of ...(183)
- Long Beach(175)
- Sacramento(170)
- Torrance(168)
- Beverly ...(154)
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- Oakland(126)
- santa cl...(118)
- Corona(107)
- Riverside(105)
- Orange(100)
- Sunnyvale(100)
- Walnut(100)
- Alhambra(93)
- chino(86)
- Newport ...(86)
- chatsworth(84)
- Arcadia(81)
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- Arkansas(339)
- Hawaii(298)
By Business Type
- In Sanfrancisco
- In California
- Manufacturer(4598)
- Trading Company(3625)
- Wholesaler(6400)
- Agent(1327)
- Buyer(803)
- In United States
- Manufacturer(19783)
- Trading Company(17220)
- Wholesaler(31825)
- Agent(7715)
- Buyer(4045)