J&F Headwear (Yangzhou) Co., Ltd. is the leading hats and caps manufacturer/exporter as well as servicing corporate&promotional fields.We offer a wide selection of high-quality hats and caps,and sport caps are our specialty."LACKPARD",our self owned caps brand has been well-known in Central and South America.Caps there made under"LACKPARD" are very popular.We have passed SA8000 and ISO9000 certification which make ourself in a very good position to work with world-wide well-known company.J&F Headwear remains one of the largest headwear manufacturers in China because of three manufacture bases we own.There are more than 4000 workers in our own factories.Our annual output of caps has reached 6 million doz.So timely delivery on custom orders is no problem!Our hottest designers in the related industry in our R&D center located in Shanghai,who are in touch with the latest trends in fashion,continue to develop new styles hats using very latest materials and techniques.We are happy to announce we can offer our customers the most comprehensive range of cap styles and designs available.We have been in the hat business for over 15 years,and committed to providing our customers with innovative designs,unsurpassed quality,world-class service,and competitive prices,which are the driving force behind our success,so you can feel safe knowing the product you order is the one you get.With the motto of quality first,credit first,which is insist on by all staffs,we,J&F Headwear,sincerely welcome your visiting and cooperation for a conjunct wonderful future!If you do not find something you want here,or have any special request,please contact us.We may carry it or be able to locate it.
Company Name | Taizhou J&F Headwear Co., Ltd. |
Business Type | Manufacturer |
Main Products | Baseball Cap,Sports Cap,Cap |
Total No. Employees | Above 1000 People |
Legal Owner | Jie Li |
Registered Address | Industrial Park, Baimi Town, Jiangyan, Jiangsu, China (Mainland) |
Year Established | 2001 |
City | Yangzhou |
Province/State | Jiangsu |
Country/Region | China (Mainland) |
Contact Person | Ms. Jane Lv |
Telephone | 8*************0 View all, please login |
Mobile | 8************5 View all, please login |
Fax | 86-514-87853802 |
Street Address | 3/F, Foreign Trade Building, 18 West Wenchang Road, Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province. China |
Zip Code | 225009 |
sell123 URL | http://www.sell123.org/company/China-Mainland/1297364.htm |
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By Business Type
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- In China (Mainland)
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