1. Founded in 2009, Guangzhou D&C HANDBAG CO., LTD is specialized in producing all kinds of handbags, including shoulder bags, clutches bags, crossbody bags, tote bags, hobo bag, satchel, backpag, cosmetic bags etc.2. With rich experience, we provide OEM, ODM service to clients all over the world. We can manufacture products with your own design and logo.3. To meet all clients' demand, our MOQ only requires 20pcs/Item. 4. To meet market demand, we can produce handbags with various materials, including cowhide, sheepskin, PU, canvas etc., which results in different price. 5. Handbag company and wholesaler are both warmly welcome to contact us.6. We pay attention to every detail. All handbags are handcrafted, which are of perfect workmanship and high quality. Guangzhou D&C HANDBAG CO., LTDSales Manager: Colin YangMobile: 0086-13560427230SKYPE:dchandbag520