Welcome to visit BAGS4YOU ,
We are the professional retailer and wholesaler branded hangbag.
Our products have wide sales and Widely recognized and love by customers from the USA,Canada, western European, Asia and all over the world. We are the top factory of famous brand name replicas.
Our imitation bags are the best mirror image replicas bags in the market.
Over 95% of the materials are exactly the same as the genuine and all the products are produced with elaborate technique. We are looking for the most fashionable styles to ensure your good sale, and we guarantee the quality and stability of stock resources. In addition, we will take responsibility for safely exporting the products to you.
High quality:
Bags4You as mastered the art of cloning technology for each well-known brands of handbags over the years:
All brand imitation bags Bags4You the production and delivery have been developed from their respective versions of the real designer bag.
Our professional development team also work with our purchasing department to buy the best materials and accessories, will be used to process a perfect copy of the brand handbags and wallets. And at this early stage, all the materials and accessories will be subject to our strict quality control inspection before they can apply the next step of the manufacturing processes.
We have a large number of experienced craftsmen, they have the best technology to use these raw materials and accessories, in accordance with strict production process to produce each handbag, so that we produce the best copies of handbags and purses.
And we have a strong team of quality control, for all of them has many years of work experience in leather handbags factory, they are well aware of the details of the brand handbags, wallets, they will enter into each of the production process links, a detailed review of each and every copy of handbags, wallets of the production process, and make strict checks to remove any non-compliant projects, so that we produce each product, able to achieve the highest quality to meet consumer demand for product quality the highest requirements.
Before shipment, our Quality Control Department will be the second time to check all the items in order to ensure that our customers receive the perfect copies of the highest quality!
our goal is to maintain the good and long-term relationship between our customers. And indeed, because of our high quality products, cheap price, fast delivery speed and good customer service, we win many of long-term customers. So, please join now, place your order, You can immediately feel what we have said. wish you to enjoy a happy shopping in Bags4You.
We are the professional retailer and wholesaler branded hangbag.
Our products have wide sales and Widely recognized and love by customers from the USA,Canada, western European, Asia and all over the world. We are the top factory of famous brand name replicas.
Our imitation bags are the best mirror image replicas bags in the market.
Over 95% of the materials are exactly the same as the genuine and all the products are produced with elaborate technique. We are looking for the most fashionable styles to ensure your good sale, and we guarantee the quality and stability of stock resources. In addition, we will take responsibility for safely exporting the products to you.
High quality:
Bags4You as mastered the art of cloning technology for each well-known brands of handbags over the years:
All brand imitation bags Bags4You the production and delivery have been developed from their respective versions of the real designer bag.
Our professional development team also work with our purchasing department to buy the best materials and accessories, will be used to process a perfect copy of the brand handbags and wallets. And at this early stage, all the materials and accessories will be subject to our strict quality control inspection before they can apply the next step of the manufacturing processes.
We have a large number of experienced craftsmen, they have the best technology to use these raw materials and accessories, in accordance with strict production process to produce each handbag, so that we produce the best copies of handbags and purses.
And we have a strong team of quality control, for all of them has many years of work experience in leather handbags factory, they are well aware of the details of the brand handbags, wallets, they will enter into each of the production process links, a detailed review of each and every copy of handbags, wallets of the production process, and make strict checks to remove any non-compliant projects, so that we produce each product, able to achieve the highest quality to meet consumer demand for product quality the highest requirements.
Before shipment, our Quality Control Department will be the second time to check all the items in order to ensure that our customers receive the perfect copies of the highest quality!
our goal is to maintain the good and long-term relationship between our customers. And indeed, because of our high quality products, cheap price, fast delivery speed and good customer service, we win many of long-term customers. So, please join now, place your order, You can immediately feel what we have said. wish you to enjoy a happy shopping in Bags4You.
Company Name | Kaylene Lim |
Business Type | Trading Company |
Main Products | hangbag, shoes, fashion, belt, wallet |
Total No. Employees | 11 - 50 People |
City | Tangerang |
Province/State | Jakarta Raya |
Country/Region | Indonesia |
Contact Person | Ms. Kaylene Lim |
Telephone | 6***************1 View all, please login |
Street Address | BSD Sector 14. 6 HA / 3A |
Zip Code | 15310 |
sell123 URL | http://www.sell123.org/company/Indonesia/1188530.htm |
Suppliers By Region
- In Jakarta Raya
- Jakarta(4164)
- Jakarta ...(399)
- Bekasi(374)
- Jakarta ...(296)
- Jakarta ...(290)
- Jakarta ...(280)
- DKI Jaka...(63)
- In Indonesia
- Jakarta ...(6106)
- Propinsi...(2247)
- Propinsi...(2241)
- Propinsi...(1853)
- Propinsi...(1819)
- Bali(1212)
- Banten(646)
- Daerah I...(640)
- Riau(458)
- Kalimant...(184)
- Propinsi...(140)
- Sumatera...(121)
- Propinsi...(107)
- Propinsi...(102)
- Propinsi...(96)
- Propinsi...(90)
- Jawa Barat(88)
- Daerah T...(84)
- Aceh(75)
- East Java(67)
- west java(67)
- Sumatera...(58)
- Central ...(54)
- Jawa timur(54)
- Propinsi...(52)
- Nusa Ten...(45)
- Kalimant...(41)
By Business Type
- In Tangerang
- Manufacturer(305)
- Trading Company(189)
- Wholesaler(137)
- Agent(76)
- In Banten
- Manufacturer(343)
- Trading Company(224)
- Wholesaler(161)
- Agent(89)
- In Indonesia
- Manufacturer(8421)
- Trading Company(7548)
- Wholesaler(6956)
- Agent(3147)
- Buyer(658)