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General Satellite

Home > United States (70327) > Florida (7923) > St. Petersburg (201)
This is one of Europe's largest companies specialising in the production, distribution, sales and marketing of products for the reception of Satellite TV either via terrestrial, cable or satellite. To do this, General Satellite(GS) has assembled a highly qualified team of product engineers responsible for the testing and sourcing of different products in order to meet the needs of consumers wishing to enjoy the benefits of TV and radio.
Company NameGeneral Satellite
Business TypeTrading Company
Main ProductsSatellite receivers, Accessories, Cable networks, including splitters, taps, attenuators, connectors, clips.
CitySt. Petersburg
Country/RegionRussian Federation
Contact PersonMr. John White
Telephone7***********8  View all, please login
Street AddressNovoladogskaya 4 / 1
Zip Code197110
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