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AA Sourcing Partners

Home > United States (70328) > Florida (7923) > Pembroke Pines (62)
AA Sourcing Partners Inc. has connections with buyers and sellers in many different industries and in the private sector - nationally and many internationally. When any of our contacts have Special Buys or Bargain Opportunities, or they have a need to purchase Merchandise, Tools, Supplies, Raw materials, Equipment, Machinery, Fixtures, Collectibles or more we are notified immediately.

When you join our large - growing by leaps and bounds - list of buyers and sellers, we will notify you immediately of the special buying or selling opportunities in your field of interest.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us directly by Phone, FAX or eMail, for assistance.

We look forward to assisting you in fulfilling your buying and/or selling needs,

Matias Rodriguez
Procurement Specialist
Office: 954-999-8049
Fax: 866-912-7661
Company NameAA Sourcing Partners
Business TypeTrading Company, Buying Office, Agent
Main ProductsClothing, Accessories, Electronics, Toys, Sporting Goods
Total No. Employees5 - 10 People
CityPembroke Pines
Country/RegionUnited States
Contact PersonMr. Matias Rodriguez
Telephone9**********1  View all, please login
Street Address1800 NW 118th street
Zip Code33026
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    In Pembroke Pines

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