Established in 2002, Queen Bee of Beverly Hills, LLC, offers authentic designer handbags and accessories at great discounts.
We sell to the individual consumer as well as many wholesale customers around the globe, who purchase volume for resale.
We purchase what is available to us at the best prices possible from the designer groups or their authorized sellers directly. We do not purchase products from unauthorized sellers or third party brokers.
All of our merchandise is guaranteed authentic, brand new, and the finest quality. You can shop with confidence at Queen Bee of Beverly Hills, Yahoo Stores Merchant Policy, prohibits the sale of "Replicas," "knock-offs," in the same "style" as, or "fake" versions of a name brand product.
You will find our customer service team responsive and considerate to your needs. We value our clients, and your satisfaction is our main priority.
We sell to the individual consumer as well as many wholesale customers around the globe, who purchase volume for resale.
We purchase what is available to us at the best prices possible from the designer groups or their authorized sellers directly. We do not purchase products from unauthorized sellers or third party brokers.
All of our merchandise is guaranteed authentic, brand new, and the finest quality. You can shop with confidence at Queen Bee of Beverly Hills, Yahoo Stores Merchant Policy, prohibits the sale of "Replicas," "knock-offs," in the same "style" as, or "fake" versions of a name brand product.
You will find our customer service team responsive and considerate to your needs. We value our clients, and your satisfaction is our main priority.
Company Name | Queen Bee of Beverly Hills, LLC |
Business Type | Distributor/Wholesaler |
Main Products | Handbags,Luggage,Wallets,Keychains,Neckties,Belts,Sunglasses,Totes,Scarves,Messenger Bags,Evening Bags,Cosmetic Cases,Pet Accessories |
Total No. Employees | 5 - 10 People |
Registered Address | 21 LEDGE VIEW DR, Huntsville, Alabama, United States Zip: 35802 |
Year Established | 2002 |
City | Huntsville |
Province/State | Alabama |
Country/Region | United States |
Contact Person | Ms. Alexa Nuessle |
Telephone | 1***********7 View all, please login |
Street Address | Ledge View Drive |
Zip Code | 35802 |
sell123 URL | |
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By Business Type
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- In Texas
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- Agent(641)
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- In United States
- Manufacturer(19783)
- Trading Company(17220)
- Wholesaler(31825)
- Agent(7715)
- Buyer(4045)